Hot Fuzz
Q1. Explain
two ways the characters and/or events fit the action adventure genre. [10
One way which the events fit the action adventure genre is by
the use of guns in the extract. There are a lot of gunshots which show the
intensity. This is shown when he is hiding behind the water fountain and shows
the bullets hitting the water or the rock and bits of rock or water flying up
which shows the danger which shows it fits the action adventure genre. Another
way is through the characters the is shown through the facial expressions from
them as it shows a bad expression showing it’s not a nice place which shows
it’s action adventure because contain scenes which are considered bad.
Q2. Explain how each of the following is used to create effect:
At the start of the extract it shows him riding in with slow music to it, and this may show the loneliness of the place (Stanford) which he's in to represent how hes's the odd one out to all the others. In the extract it uses loud fast music which may show how the people may need to act. And it may be used to express the danger at the current situation.
The editing which is used shows quick camera changes between all of the people in the village and Nic as it shows the intensity of the situation and the strength that he has, as he has to fight them all of.
Mise en scene:
The location which is used in the film shows the old style buildings with shows and a market which might portray a stereotype for a village. The lighting in the extract shows the sun shining which make show the intensity of the situation as the heat may represent the struggle.
Once the start shooting at each other, it shows close up shots of all the people which may show their emotions. This shown on the old man when it gives a close up of his face showing his anger. It also shows a low pan show and a point of view (POV) of Nic on the horse to show the power which he may have due to his rank/position and his weapons.
Q3. Discuss the ways in which people are represented in this extract. [20 marks]
The way which people are presented at the start shows it to
be stereotypical and this is shown when the old guy is walking around in a big
overcoat, wearing glasses and old clothing. But when Simon Angel says
‘Morning’, he pulls out a shotgun which shows that people are presented in a
violent way which may represent the people which might watch this sort of film.
Another way which people are represented is through stereotyping people. This shown when it shows the old man in the long raincoat or the old women on a bike with a basket on the front.